日本刀剣専門店Mahoroba Artsword

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  3. 売切≪SOLD OUT≫「販売価格:800,000円」新刀 丹波守吉道 二尺一寸強 打刀拵入 sword1

売切≪SOLD OUT≫「販売価格:800,000円」新刀 丹波守吉道 二尺一寸強 打刀拵入 sword1






"The Japanese sword, or Nihontō, is a general term for swords made using unique Japanese sword-making techniques. Its major characteristics include a curved blade and a sharp edge on only one side. Swords of this type, which appeared around the end of the Heian period, are referred to as 'Japanese swords'.

In principle, Japanese swords are classified into four categories according to the length of the blade: Tachi, Uchigatana, Wakizashi, and Tantō.

Furthermore, in a broader sense, Naginata, Yari, and Nagamaki, among others, are also included in the category of Japanese swords."

販売価格0 内税 0 円
  • 下取り価格交渉可能
  • 丹波守吉道 白鞘入
品番Code sword1
登録Reggistration Code 昭和59年2月16日 東京都 第231805号
長さBlade length 638 cm
反りCurvature 17 cm
銘文Signature and Date (表)丹波守吉道
元幅Width at the bottom part of blade 28.6 mm
先幅Width at the top 19.4 mm
元重Thickness at the bottom part of blade 6.2 mm
先重Thickness at the top 3.8 mm
重量Weight 刀身590g blead just 590g
時代Period 江戸時代初期


大坂二代丹波守吉道は、大坂初代丹波守吉道の子で三品五郎兵衛と称し、作風は小板目肌が細かく詰んだ鍛えに簾刃あるいは菊水刃、沸出来の大互の目乱れなど焼いており、 銘は「丹波守吉道」或いは「三品丹波守吉道」と切っています。

この刀は小板目肌が細かく詰んだ精美な鍛えに地沸つき、刃文は元を直刃で焼き出した鎬にかかる程の焼幅広い簾刃、刃中砂流し頻りにかかり、匂深く小沸よくつき、 地刃共に本工の典型的作風を見事に示した作品です。

Osaka Nidai Tamba no Kami Yoshimichi, the second generation from Osaka, was the son of the first generation Tamba no Kami Yoshimichi of Osaka. Also known as Sanbon Gorobei, his work is characterized by a finely crafted ko-itame hada (small wood grain pattern) with renji-midare (bamboo blind pattern) or kikusui-midare (chrysanthemum water pattern), and a large irregular hamon (blade pattern) filled with nie (hardened martensite particles). His signatures include "Tamba no Kami Yoshimichi" or "Sanbon Tamba no Kami Yoshimichi".

This sword exhibits a beautifully forged pattern with small, densely packed ko-itame hada and abundant ji-nie (hardened particles on the surface). The hamon begins with a straight pattern from the base, broadening to the width of the shinogi (ridge line), thus creating a wide renji-midare pattern. Along the edge, the frequent occurrence of sudare-ba (bamboo blind pattern) can be seen, the nioi (temper line mist) is deep and the fine nie is well developed. Both the ji and the ha (the body and edge of the blade) splendidly demonstrate the typical work style of this craftsman.

※注意 Note


Names and history of each part of the sword